Pearls Perseverance

Bonham Jewelry pearls are of exceptional quality and durability, but they require proper care to maintain their beauty and luster. Follow these tips to keep your pearls looking stunning for years:

Proper Care Tips for Pearls

Wipe Pearls Gently

  • Use a Soft Cloth: After wearing your pearls, gently wipe them with a soft cloth to remove sweat, perfume, excess oils, or dirt. This helps maintain their luster and prevents damage.

Store Pearls Carefully

  • Soft Pouch Storage: Place pearls in a soft pouch or a jewelry box lined with soft fabric. This prevents them from coming into contact with objects or jewelry that might scratch their delicate surfaces.
  • Individual Knots: Ensure each pearl in a necklace is knotted separately. This prevents them from rubbing against each other, which can wear down the nacre.

Maintain Moisture Levels

  • Moist Environment: Pearls need a slightly moist environment to prevent cracking. In dry areas, keep a damp cloth nearby when storing your pearls.
  • Regular Wear: Wearing your pearls often helps maintain their moisture. Avoid long-term storage in safety deposit boxes or places with high temperatures, which can dry them out.

Avoid Harmful Chemicals

  • Keep Away from Chemicals: Avoid exposing pearls to chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, ammonia, hairspray, perfume, and cosmetics.
  • Application Sequence: Always put on your pearls after applying perfume, hairspray, and makeup to minimize chemical exposure.

Things to Avoid with Pearls

Touching Pearls Frequently

  • Avoid Frequent Handling: The acidic oils and perspiration from your skin can damage the surface of the pearls, leading to deterioration over time.

Wearing Pearls While Cooking

  • Avoid Heat and Grease: Grease and heat from cooking can permanently stain your pearls. It's best to remove them before cooking.

Submerging Pearls in Water

  • Keep Dry: Avoid wearing pearls in the shower, while doing dishes, or swimming. Chlorine in pools can weaken the epoxy that secures the pearls, and water can stretch and break the silk string.

Exposure to Bright Lights

  • Limit Light Exposure: Direct sunlight or intense halogen lights can fade both the natural and treated colors of pearls. Store them in a dark, cool place to preserve their beauty.